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Posters have been published for internal NSU conventions such as FOMA and OGME. Other external conventions have included FMA, ACP, and ACOEP.
To access to recently published posters, visit:
Call for Submissions: The Future of Healthcare - Navigating VR, AR, and Emerging Tech Applications
Call for Article Submissions: Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness
Call for Submissions: Highlight Medical Pioneers
The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews
To access the PRISMA 2020 statement, please visit:
For instruction on Scoping reviews, visit:
Guidelines to writing a clinical case report.
For additional information, please visit:
Ten simple rules for carrying out and writing meta-analyses
For additional information, visit:
For additional information on the IRB, please visit:
For additional guidance for writing a research paper, visit:
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