Osteopathic Medicine Student Clubs and Organizations

A variety of clubs and organizations associated with all the programs in the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine are available. Check out some of the interests below and consult the Student Handbook for complete descriptions.

Need more guidance? The Office of Student Affairs can be found on the fourth floor of the Terry Building in Room 1485. Please call (954) 262-1485 or email kpcomstudentaffairs@nova.edu for more information.

Addiction Medicine Club provides students with information on how to treat individuals with substance-related health conditions, as well as information on the bio-pyscho-social framework for persons with addiction. This club is also dedicated to increasing knowledge and awareness about the impaired physician, and provide information on the resources available for healthcare professionals struggling with substance abuse.

Email: addictionmedicineclub@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Peter Cohen; Dr. Lailah Issac

The Disaster Medicine Club aims to educate future health professionals about the importance of disaster preparedness. The club is open to medical, dental, nursing and physician assistant students. We promote awareness about preparing, planning and implementing a plan in case of a natural or manmade disaster. We offer CERT classes, which include first-aid training, fire safety and light search and rescue. Our members also participate in practice drills as volunteers in a mock disaster situation. AADM members aim to be prepared for any future disaster.

KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Kelley Davis

NSU’s ACOEP Emergency Medicine Club is open to all health professions students interested in the emergency medicine field. The club's purpose is to enhance students’ education and interest in emergency medicine. The club sponsors academic enrichment through mentorship programs, educational workshops, lecture series and clinical exposure.

Email: erclubnsucom@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Darren Cohen

The American Medical Association (AMA) exists to advance the interests of physicians and their patients, to promote public health and to lobby for legislation favorable to physicians and patients. Our AMA section strives to give our students a leading voice for improving medical education and advocating for the future of medicine.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. James Howell

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Suzanne Riskin

The American Medical Student Association (AMSA), with a half-century history of medical student activism, is the oldest and largest independent association of physicians-in-training in the United States.

Today, AMSA is a student-governed, national organization committed to representing the concerns of physicians-in-training. AMSA members are medical students, premedical students, interns, residents and practicing physicians. Founded in 1950, AMSA continues its commitment to improving medical training and the nation’s health.

How is AMSA different from other organizations? When you join AMSA, you become part of a vital force of future physicians who believe that patients and health professionals are partners in the management of health care and that access to high-quality health care is a right and not a privilege. At AMSA, activism is a way of life. Student idealism is transformed into meaningful public service, innovation and institutional change.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Debbie Steinkohl

The American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) was founded in 1915. AMWA is a national organization of female physicians, medical students and other persons dedicated to serving as a voice for women’s health and the advancement of women in medicine. The NSU chapter of AMWA has a philanthropic focus. All proceeds from membership and fundraisers are donated to charities. Members have the opportunity to volunteer in the community, meet and interact with local physicians during lectures and events and gain knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting future and current women physicians in the world of medicine.

Email: NSUAMWA@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Farzanna Haffizulla

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Kelsey Reindel

American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine (AOASM) members desire to go into sports medicine through several paths, using the Sports Medicine Club as a way to learn about the careers available in sports medicine. We also gain exposure working in the field as medical students alongside sports physicians. The club has opportunities to volunteer in the community through sports, to shadow a variety of doctors working in sports medicine and hear lectures from many types of sports medicine professionals in order to deepen our knowledge and widen our exposure to the field.

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Alessandra Posey


The Anesthesiology Club consists of medical students interested in the field of anesthesia. By joining this club, students get a chance to participate in intubation clinics, attend anesthesiologist speaker meetings and shadow practicing anesthesiologists in the area. We seek to attract and assist high-quality medical students to learn more about the field of anesthesiology and consider careers as anesthesiologists.

Email: nsucomanesthesiology@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Tonni Bacoat-Jones

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Mayur Parmar

AMOPS is a national organization committed to helping all osteopathic HPSP medical students throughout the nation. The college is proud to have its own chapter dedicated to its military students. AMOPS serves a critical role for all of our medical students in that it provides a community of resources (including professors, administrators and other students) where any military-related question, concern or problem can be adequately answered. Due to the nature of HPSP, military medical students have to navigate along a slightly different path than civilian medical students, and the purpose of our club is to ensure that this military medical “roadmap” is as smooth as it can possibly be for those select few students. Whether it’s Army Strong, Semper Fortis, or Fly, Fight, Win, AMOPS is committed to the betterment of all our military students.

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Tom Brown

COMSA (Canadian Osteopathic Medical Student Association) is dedicated to spreading awareness of osteopathic medicine and help Canadians achieve their dream of practicing medicine. As a national organization, we advocate for Canadian regulatory bodies and policymakers to increase practice and training opportunities for osteopathic physicians in Canada. We also assist Canadian premeds in the process of applying to D.O. schools. For current medical students, we provide information on Canadian rotations, residency programs, board examinations, provincial licensure and on planning their transition from the United States to Canada. COMSA members share a goal of building a sense of Canadian community at the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Suzette Siviter, M.S.

Culinary Medicine Club (CMC) aims to create an environment in which medical students utilize evidence-based nutrition knowledge to develop culinary skills that can be used holistically in clinical practice and their own lives. A strong emphasis is placed on acknowledging cultural differences and social factors that influence food habits, as well as cost-effective strategies to promote healthy eating and reduce chronic diseases. Guest speakers (physicians, nutritionists, and chefs) are invited to lecture on the importance of culinary medicine, and students are able to recognize that food TRULY is medicine. Overall, this club is an excellent opportunity for students to have the mindset of a doctor with the skills of a chef to promote patient health by providing them with the best tools for preventive care.

Email: ck1087@mynsu.nova.edu

Instagram: @culinarymed_nsukpcom

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Stephanie Petrosky

Faith Based Care seeks to learn more about the faith practices of people to care for our future patients in a truly osteopathic way.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Paula Anderson

The Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA) is the state association for osteopathic physicians in Florida. The FOMA was organized for the purposes of advancing the science and art of osteopathic medicine; extending the benefits of scientific advancement to the treatment, prevention and alleviation of human ailments; and promoting closer relationships between the osteopathic profession, FOMA members and other groups dedicated to improved health care. The FOMA represents the osteopathic profession in Florida's state government.

Email: fomansu@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Luzan Phillpotts

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Tonni Bacoat-Jones

The Gastroenterology Interest Group at NSU is a student-led organization dedicated to cultivating interest in gastroenterology. The group provides educational seminars, career guidance, and opportunities to interact with professionals in the field. Its aim is to increase awareness about this specialty, stimulate student interest, and offer resources for aspiring gastroenterologists.

KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Ben Lazarus

The Hispanic Osteopathic Medical Student Association (HOMSA) at NSU focuses on volunteer work in our local community while promoting Hispanic culture. We assist future physicians with improving their Spanish interviewing skills and prepare them to assist with the various problems facing our Hispanic community.

Email: nsuhomsa@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Noel Alonso

This group is dedicated to raising public awareness about infectious diseases harming our communities while simultaneously enhancing the academic experience of our students in the fields of microbiology and immunology.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Anna Potter

The Indian Physicians of South Florida (IPOF) interest group at NSU is an affiliate of the American Association of Physicians of Indian origin. IPOF's mission is to enhance patient care and assist student physicians interested in Indian American heritage pursue the fields of their choice. We promote the preservation of identity while providing forums for social and cultural interaction and bringing further improvements to the health acre field. IPOF hosts an annual medical outreach trip to Gujarat, India, in December.

Email: nsu.ipof@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Naushira Pandya

The International Medical Outreach Club promotes the practice of medicine abroad along with volunteer work in the local community. We plan various international outreach trips to various places around the world, including Peru, Ecuador, Vietnam and more where we set up clinics and help the underserved populations and introduce you to new languages and cultures. We fund these trips and opportunities by providing OMS-I students with histology DVDs to help with their Histology course.

Email: Nsuimoc@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. James Howell

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Jackie Moljo

LOG has always been a philanthropy club, and this year was no exception. We have engaged in many events that contribute to the community in ways that range from providing doughnuts to the first-year students during a tough week to providing health care screenings to communities that normally wouldn’t have access to any. We have coordinated mock anatomy reviews, some of which were of no charge, and provided free doughnuts and coffee. LOG has worked in various ways to help the community, whether it be meetings with HPD-wide clubs to promote public health or providing monetary resources when our classmates were in dire need.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Gina Foster-Moumoutjis

The LatinX Osteopathic Medical Student Association (LOMSA) is driven to unite medical students pursuing osteopathic education by providing them with a supportive environment that fosters academic, professional, and personal growth. With a strong focus on advocacy, education, and community engagement, we strive to eliminate healthcare disparities, promote cultural competency, and ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for the Hispanic population. Through collaboration, mentorship, and leadership, we aim to empower our members to become compassionate, culturally competent, and socially responsible physicians who actively contribute to the well-being of minority communities and beyond.

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Jeanette Rodriguez

This organization is dedicated to improving the quality of patient care by developing basic communication skills in other languages and exploring the tenets of traditional medicine.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Ana Maria Homs

This organization is dedicated to celebrating the medical humanities through various events, such as hosting expert speakers in the field, touring art scenes and historical sites in the Greater Tampa Bay area, and volunteering our time for activities related to art and medicine.

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Susan Riskin

Our mission is to create a collaborative and dynamic community where healthcare professionals can exchange knowledge, skills, and best practices related to medical procedures, advancing the quality of patient care and safety.

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Khavir Sharieff

This organization provides a platform for student doctors to learn about various types of abuse and the exploitation of vulnerable populations. It also hopes to engage student doctors in meaningful volunteering opportunities.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Bruce Peters

As an internationally known nonprofit with a successful track record for change, Medical Students for Choice® (MSFC) stands up in the face of violent opposition. We work to destigmatize abortion provision among medical students and residents, and to persuade medical schools and residency programs to include abortion as a part of the reproductive health services curriculum. Today, one of the greatest obstacles to safe and legal abortion around the world is the absence of trained providers. Medical schools are simply not addressing the topic; most physicians graduate with little more than circumstantial knowledge of abortion. As medical students and residents, we work to make reproductive health care, including abortion, a part of standard medical education and residency training.

Email: nsu.msfc@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Debbie Steinkohl

We are a faith-based organization dedicated to promoting both the well-being in spirituality and professionalism of the students in the health profession. We intend to accomplish this goal by promoting the Islamic faith through activism, dedicated service, high moral principles and academic excellence. Our many events include monthly health screenings, social gatherings for members, volunteer/service events and other events that are yet to be announced. For our Muslim members, we offer regular Friday prayers, weekly religious discussions and iftaar (breaking of the fast) during select fasting days.

Email: mash.nsu@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Sahar Sarrami Amini

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Khavir Sharieff


MISPs is a club dedicated to serving the disabled community through various events, such as cooking classes, salsa dancing classes, park exploration events, and group balls/dances. All of these events are centered on promoting independence and health.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Kristi Messer

MENA is a student organization created to encourage representation in healthcare for people of Middle Eastern and North African descent. The club aims to foster a community while encouraging service and educating students on healthcare opportunities.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Yasmin Qureshi

The purpose of the club More than Medicine is to give students the opportunity to learn how to have tough conversations with patients and their families before going on rotations, as well as to learn more about the patient's perspective on medicine.

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Kelsey Reindel

The college's Neuro/Psych Club is a combination of all interests contained under the medical branches of neurology and psychiatry. Just as the brain has millions of connections, our club focuses on the similarities and differences between the two disciplines through meetings, movies, guest speakers, and public outreach events. The club often has joint events with the NSU College of Pharmacy’s corresponding club in order to further broaden the practical knowledge contained within each specialty.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Lori Dribin

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Deepesh Khanna

Although small, The Photography Club is very unique and ambitious. It is unique because it blends in the enjoyable leisure pursuit of photography and helps balance the burnout of medical school. It was the first club to win the Club Of The Month award in the 2016-2017 academic when it released its anatomy review videos for the first-year medical students. The club takes pride in working jointly with various other clubs to help highlight their events. Be it capturing emotional moments at the memorial service to thank the cadaver donors, or documenting international medical outreach programs, it focuses on collaboration. It also helps students by taking portrait photos for their residency applications. The money generated from this activity is donated.

Email: nsuphotoclub@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Nicholas Lutfi

The mission of the Pediatrics Club is to develop and encourage osteopathic medical students interested in pediatrics. The club is not only for those desiring to specialize in pediatrics, but also for students interested in family medicine and other fields in which pediatric patients will be encountered. Lectures and meetings are held frequently, as are social and fundraising events. The club participates in a range of university-wide events, such as A Day for Children, and outreaches to unwell and underserved youth by coordinating an annual holiday toy drive and visiting local hospitals.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Elizabeth Fernandez

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Bruce Peters

The goal of the Pathology Club is to provide aspiring DO students with additional exposure to the field of pathology, including in-person histology labs, autopsy observations, and opportunities to connect with current pathologists and pathology residents.

KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Matthew Machini

Phi Delta Epsilon International Medical Fraternity creates physicians of integrity with a lifelong commitment to our guiding principles of philanthropy, duty, and equity through fellowship, service, mentoring, scholarship, and formal training in leadership, science, and ethics.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisors: Dr. Nicholas Lufti and Dr. Noel Alonso

The PM&R club's goal is to promote and bring awareness to the field. Physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, also known as physiatrists, treat a wide variety of medical conditions affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons. We also hope to bring awareness to the numerous subspecialties, such as brain injury medicine, hospice and palliative medicine, neuromuscular medicine, pain medicine, pediatric rehabilitation medicine, spinal cord injury medicine, and/or sports medicine.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Lailah Issac

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Holly Waters

Osteopathic physicians have long utilized nutrition in holistic practice, but healthy eating has become increasingly critical. We live today in a country plagued by preventable chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. Half of all Americans are projected to be obese by 2030. The Plant-Based Healthcare Club serves to promote an alternative future. Our mission is to engage NSU health professional students in the medically established role of meat, dairy and egg reduction in preventing and managing chronic illnesses. Compared to animal products, plant foods also produce a fraction of the greenhouse gas emissions and animal suffering. Through potluck meals, clinician speakers and film screenings, we educate one another on the benefits of plant-based eating. We also advocate for increased plant-based options on campus and in our affiliated hospitals, and for increased plant-based nutrition in medical curricula at the Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine and beyond.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Nathan Widboom

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Nicholas Lutfi

The Psychiatry Student Interest Group Network (PsychSIGN) is a national network of medical students interested in psychiatry, from those with a general interest in the brain and mind to those already in the residency application and match process. We connect students across the country to their peers, psychiatry residents, and practicing psychiatrists from a broad range of subspecialties. We provide mentoring opportunities, resources for personal and professional development, and ideas for expanding interest in the field.

Email: nsu.psychsign@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Alina Gonzalez-Mayo

The mission of the club is to provide clinical, educational, and research experiences in the field of pulmonology and critical care for students through various events and opportunities to gain exposure to this subspecialty.

Email: nsukpcom.pcca@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Advisor: Dr. Thomas Brown

The Radiology Club fosters interest and education on the professions of both interventional and diagnostic radiology. Through didactic lectures, students have the benefit of learning how to evaluate images that can serve them well in their clerkship years.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Jordan Ditchek

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Holly Waters

The RAK mission statement is to promote kindness across the HPD. We strive to create a positive atmosphere that helps foster interprofessional relationships on campus. We encourage and support our fellow peers through our RAK compliment page, providing free hugs and high fives during exam weeks and working with other organizations to raise awareness/funds for charitable causes.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Nathan Widboom

Sigma Sigma Phi is an Honorary Osteopathic Service Fraternity. Its objectives and purposes are to further the science of osteopathic medicine and its standards of practice; to improve the scholastic standing and promote a higher degree of fellowship among its students; to bring about a closer relationship and understanding between the student bodies and the officials and members of the faculties of our colleges; to foster allegiance to the American Osteopathic Association and to perpetuate these principles and the teachings through the maintenance and development of this organization.

Email: applicationssp@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Glenn Moran

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Cyril Blavo

The purpose of the Society of Medical Oncology is to contribute to the education of osteopathic medical students by increasing their awareness of the field of oncology, including, but not limited to, current standards of care, physician-patient interaction, and community involvement.

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Daniel Bonfil

The Student Advocate Associate exists to support and encourage D.O. students and their families. As medical students go through their training programs, they face many changes in their lives. Having spouses, family and friends involved greatly reduces the stress that is created. As such, SAA seeks to create opportunities that will support both the students and their loved ones.

Email: novasaamail@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Noel Alonso

The NSU chapter of the Student Association of the ACOFP is open to all osteopathic medical students and offers a variety of benefits while providing opportunities to build a professional network and enhance leadership skills. Members get access to OMT videos, webinars, COMLEX prep and an entire network of preceptors to help students along each step of their medical career. The NSU chapter of the SAACOFP is committed to highlighting the importance of disease prevention and health promotion in primary care through student activities, health promotion campaigns and community service.

Email: nsucomsaacofp@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Pamela Moran-Walcutt

SAOAO is an organization promoting interest, research and further learning in the field of orthopedic surgery. We work with local orthopedic surgeons and residents to further educate and provide opportunities for the next generation of orthopedic surgeons.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Eric Goldsmith

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Advisor: Dr. Holly Laird

The Student Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology aims to provide NSU D.O. who are interested in pursuing OB-GYN as a career with all the information and advice necessary to achieve their goals. The club hosts many information sessions about women’s health and residency led by OB-GYN physicians from many different kinds of hospitals and provides its students with many community service opportunities.

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Katina Burgess-Brown

The Student Cardiology Association is an organization focused on cultivating interest in the field of cardiology. This is done by hosting guest presentations on topics in the field, organizing workshops aimed at increasing the skill base of club members (e.g., EKG interpretation workshops), informing members of the latest advancements in the field, and fostering interest in ongoing research in cardiology.

KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Deepesh Khanna

The Student Dermatology Association is an organization that provides students with information about a career in dermatology. We accomplish our mission by inviting dermatologists to speak to us about their training, setting up shadowing experiences with practicing dermatologists and organizing different volunteer opportunities so our members can learn even more about the field. Each semester, our flagship event is a health fair at Fort Lauderdale Beach in which we hand out sunscreen and educate beachgoers about the importance of sun protection.

Email: nsudermatologyclub@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Michelle Demory Beckler

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Gregory Garvin

The Student National Medical Association (SNMA) is a national organization committed to supporting current and future underrepresented minority medical students, addressing the needs of underserved communities, and increasing the number of clinically excellent, culturally competent and socially conscious physicians. Here at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), our goal is to serve the health needs of underserved communities and communities of color. In addition, we work with the Medical Association of Premedical Students (MAPS) by fostering relationships and establishing mentorship programs in an effort to promote cultivation and growth of future physician leaders. Furthermore, we are dedicated both to ensuring that medical education and services are culturally sensitive to the needs of diverse populations and to increasing the number of African-American, Latino, and other students of color entering and completing medical school. 

Email: Nsucom_snma@yahoo.com

Fort Lauderdale KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Paula Anderson-Worts

Our mission in the Student Osteopathic Association for Research (SOAR) is to encourage and foster interest in clinical and laboratory research through Nova Southeastern University as well as other venues. Through informational meetings, campus events and speakers we aim to provide information on how to initiate and participate in research to ultimately gain a better understanding of its impact on medicine and the lives of medical students. We also promote connections with physicians and faculty to initiate not only current but also future opportunities for student participation in research.

Email: NSUSOAR@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Randal Gregg

The SOIMA club here at NSU is a chapter of the national organization American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI). As a local chapter, we offer many talks from Internists and specialists within our community that highlight a variety of fields within this specialty. We aim to promote interprofessionalism by participating in an Interprofessional mentoring program in conjunction with a local high school. This club helps to educate future internists on the plethora of career choices within the field of internal medicine.

Email:  soima.nsu@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale & Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Sonia Daryanani

The Student Osteopathic Medical Association (SOMA) is a national, not-for-profit osteopathic medical organization founded to ensure a high quality of education for osteopathic medical students, to promote unity within the osteopathic medical profession, and to improve the delivery of healthcare by Doctors of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.). SOMA is the student affiliate organization of the American Osteopathic Association and works with all chapters to foster communication between government at the local and national levels and the osteopathic medical profession. The organization also awards scholarships annually to osteopathic medical students who demonstrate leadership, compassion, or exceptional dedication to addressing the medically underserved, political activism, international medicine, or public health.

Email: soima.nsu@gmail.com

Faculty Advisor Fort Lauderdale: Dr. Michelle Johnson

Faculty Advisor Tampa Bay Regional: Dr. Holly Waters

The Society of Medical Oncology (SOMO) established at the time when increasing population of cancer patients need holistic and yet personalized care.  SOMO’s main objective is to promote and provide both basic and clinical knowledge of medical oncology to passionate NSU-KPCOM medical students. To do so, SOMO will host health fairs for our members to delve into local communities to educate the public on carcinogens and advocate healthy lifestyles to minimize the risk of developing cancer. SOMO provides research internship opportunities in Rumbaugh-Goodwin Institute for Cancer Research so that its members will have a better understanding of fundamental mechanisms underlying oncogenesis. SOMO’s main mission is to promote the presence of osteopathic physicians in the field of medical oncology to better care cancer patients.

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Michelle Demory Beckler

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Daniel Bonfil

SOAPSS members share the goal of exploring specialty fields of plastics, ENT, and allergy. Members are introduced and connected with physicians in the respective fields, along with community service focused club meetings. Student members gain experience and tools that develop the patient centered philosophy in any field the member chooses to specialize in.

Email: novasoapss@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale KPCOM Faculty Adviser: Dr. Gina Foster

NSU’s Underserved Medicine Club (UMC) is open to all medical students with an interest in serving populations considered underserved and/or rural. The purpose of this club is to provide exposure and to promote medically underserved oriented experiences for its members. The club will also serve to support and guide those seeking admission into the NHSC scholarship program and/or placement in rural or underserved residencies.  

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. Marie Florent-Carre, Dr. James Howell

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Jeanette Rodriguez

The NSU Wilderness Medicine Club tailors a unique academic and social experience to students interested in areas such as Emergency Medicine and pre-hospital EMS, with a heavy emphasis on medical procedures and treatments in a non-traditional, uncontrolled environment (usually outdoors). Students have the opportunity to meet with prominent wilderness medicine physicians and learn their skills through didactics, as well as practical, hands on trainings.

Email: nsuwildernessmed@gmail.com

Fort Lauderdale Faculty Adviser: Dr. James Howell

Tampa Bay Regional Faculty Adviser: Dr. Nicholas Lutfi

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