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Bachelor of Science in Public Health


The Bachelor of Science in Public Health (BSPH) program equips you with the knowledge and skills to address health threats and strengthen communities. You'll gain a strong foundation in population health, disease prevention, and health promotion, while exploring the social and environmental factors that influence health. The BPSH's interdisciplinary approach allows you to apply these concepts to various fields, from medicine and research to business and engineering.

The curriculum combines core public health principles with foundational science courses, preparing you for diverse career paths. In the first three years, you'll take general education courses alongside core public health classes and medical school prerequisites (if applicable). The fourth year features public health electives and intensive community-based learning, equipping you for various public health careers. Students in the dual-degree program can seamlessly transition to the first year of the Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) program.

View Curriculum Sheet 

General Education Requirements (30 credits)

Students are required to complete 30 credit hours as part of the General Education Program. For specific course requirements, refer to

the “General Education Program” section on page 98 of this catalog.

Public Health Major Requirements (57 credits)

Core Courses (39 credits)

BPH 1010                    Foundations of Public Health (3 credits) BPH 1020  Principles of Health Behavior (3 credits)

BPH 2022                    Public Health Biology (3 credits)

BPH 2030                    Public Health Seminar (3 credits)


BPH 2040                    Health Communication (3 credits)

BPH 2050                    Community Health (3 credits)

BPH 3010                    Concepts in Epidemiology (3 credits) OR

BPH 3010H                  Epidemiology: Distribution and Determinants of Health

                                     (3 credits)

BPH 2075                    Collaborative Research in Public Health (3 credits)

BPH 3020                    Public Health Leadership and Management (3 credits)

BPH 3030                    Introduction to Global Health (3 credits)

BPH 4020                    Policies, Systems, and Environments of Healthcare (3 credits)

BPH 4910                    Environmental and Occupational Health (3 credits)

BPH 4950                    Essentials of Public Health Planning (3 credits)

BPH 4951                    Community Based Health Project (3 credits)

Public Health Major Electives (18 credits required)*

BPH 2010                    Human Genomics (3 credits)

BPH 2060                    Introduction to School Health (3 credits)

BPH 2070                    Introduction to Public Health Research (3 credits)

BPH 2080                    Dimensions of Wellness (3 credits)

BPH 2090                    Special Topics in Public Health (3 credits)

BPH 3040                    Public Health Issues in Disasters (3 credits)

BPH 3970                    Disparities and Health (3 credits)

BPH 3990                    Understanding Mental Health as Public Health (3 credits)

BPH 3990 (H)              Inside Out: Exploring Mental Health and Well-Being

BPH 4900                    Global Outreach and Applied Learning (3 credits)

BPH 4901                    Domestic Outreach and Applied Learning (3 credits)

BPH 4901B                  Local Outreach and Applied Learning (3 credits)

BPH 4920                    Population Health Outcomes and Analysis (3 credits)

BPH 4980                    Ethical Issues in Population Health (3 credits)

HONR 2020E               Grant Writing for Human Subjects Research and Human Services (3 credits)

BPH 4990                    Independent Study in Public Health (1, 2, 3 credits)


*Students are permitted to take 9 of the required 18 major elective credits from the BSHN (Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition), HAWC (Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness Coaching), and/or BSHI (Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics) course prefixes.



General Education Requirements (30 credits)

Students are required to complete 30 credit hours as part of the General Education Program. For specific course requirements, refer to

the “General Education Program” section on page 98 of this catalog.


Pre-Med Public Health Major Requirements (57 credits)

Core Courses (39 credits)

BPH 1010                    Foundations of Public Health (3 credits) BPH 1020  Principles of Health Behavior (3 credits)

BPH 2022                    Public Health Biology (3 credits)

BPH 2030                    Public Health Seminar (3 credits)

BPH 2040                    Health Communication (3 credits)

BPH 2050                    Community Health (3 credits)

BPH 2090                    Public Health Special Topics (3 credits)

BPH 3010                    Concepts in Epidemiology (3 credits) OR BPH 3010 (H) (3 credits)

BPH 3010(H)               Epidemiology: Distribution and Determinants of Health (3 credits)

BPH 3020                    Public Health Leadership and Management (3 credits)

BPH 3030                    Introduction to Global Health (3 credits)

BPH 4020                    Policies, Systems, and Environments of Healthcare (3 credits)

BPH 4910                    Environmental and Occupational Health (3 credits)

BPH 4950                    Essentials of Public Health Planning (3 credits)

BPH 4951                    Community Based Health Project (3 credits)


Pre-Med Public Health Major Electives (18 credits required)*

BPH 2010                    Human Genomics (3 credits)

BPH 2060                    Introduction to School Health (3 credits)

BPH 2070                    Introduction to Public Health Research (3 credits)

BPH 2080                    Dimensions of Wellness (3 credits)

BPH 2090                    Public Health Special Topics (3 credits)

BPH 3040                    Public Health Issues in Disasters (3 credits)

BPH 3970                    Disparities and Health (3 credits)

BPH 3990                    Understanding Mental Health as Public Health (3 credits)

BPH 3990 (H)              Inside Out: Exploring Mental Health and Well-Being

BPH 4900                    Global Outreach and Applied Learning (3 credits)

BPH 4901                    Domestic Outreach and Applied Learning (3 credits)

BPH 4901B                  Local Outreach and Applied Learning (3 credits)

BPH 4920                    Population Health Outcomes and Analysis (3 credits)

BPH 4980                    Ethical Issues in Population Health (3 credits)

HONR 2020E               Grant Writing for Human Subjects Research and Human Services (3 credits)

BPH 4990                    Independent Study in Public Health (1, 2, 3 credits)

Pre-Med BSPH Science Requirements (Required Open Electives) (36 credits):

                 BIOL 1500                  Biology I/Lab (4 credits)

                 BIOL 1510                 Biology II/Lab (4 Credits)

CHEM 1300                 General Chemistry I/Lab (4 Credits) OR CHEM 1300H General Chemistry I/Lab Honors (4 Credits)

CHEM 1310                 General Chemistry II/Lab (4 Credits) OR CHEM 1310H General Chemistry II/Lab Honors (4 Credits)

CHEM 2400                 Organic Chemistry I/Lab (4 Credits) OR CHEM 2400H Organic Chemistry I/Lab Honors (4 Credits)

CHEM 2410                 Organic Chemistry II/Lab (4 Credits) OR CHEM2410H Organic Chemistry II/Lab Honors (4 Credits)

CHEM 3650                 Biochemistry/Lab (4 Credits)

PHYS 2350                  General Physics I/Lab (4 Credits) OR PHYS 2350H General Physics I/Lab Honors (4 Credits) OR

PHYS 2400 Physics I/Lab (4 Credits)

PHYS 2360                  General Physics II/Lab (4 Credits) OR PHYS 2360H General Physics II/Lab Honors (4 Credits) OR

PHYS 2500 Physics I/Lab (4 Credits)


*Students are permitted to take 9 of the required 18 major elective credits from the BSHN (Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition), HAWC (Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness Coaching), and/or BSHI (Bachelor of Science in Health


Public Health Minor

KPCOM’s Public Health Minor provides curriculum in areas relevant to public health, social and behavioral health sciences, and community health. The interprofessional experiences of KPCOM faculty offer students a realistic look into the benefits, rewards, and challenges of public health.

Public Health Minor Requirements (9)

BPH 1010 Foundations of Public Health (3 credits)
BPH 1020 Principles of Health Behavior (3 credits)
BPH 2050 Community Health (3 credits)

BPH Open Major Elective
BPH Open Major Elective
BPH Open Major Elective

*Students are permitted to take 9 of the required 18 major elective credits from the BSHN (Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition)HAWC (Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellness Coaching), and/or BSHI (Bachelor of Science in Health Informatics) course prefixes.

The BSPH addresses the following Foundational Domains (Council on Education for Public Health):

  • History and philosophy of public health as well as its core values, concepts and functions across the globe and in society;
  • Basic concepts, methods and tools of public health data collection, use and analysis and why evidence-based approaches are an essential part of public health practice;
  • Concepts of population health, and the basic processes, approaches and interventions that identify and address the major health-related needs and concerns of populations;
  • Underlying science of human health and disease, including opportunities for promoting and protecting health across the life course;
  • Socioeconomic, behavioral, biological, environmental and other factors that impact human health and contribute to health disparities;
  • Fundamental concepts and features of project implementation, including planning, assessment and evaluation;
  • Fundamental characteristics and organizational structures of the US health system as well as the differences between systems in other countries;
  • Basic concepts of legal, ethical, economic and regulatory dimensions of health care and public health policy and the roles, influences and responsibilities of the different agencies and branches of government; and
  • Basic concepts of public health-specific communication, including technical and professional writing and the use of mass media and electronic technology

The BSPH also addresses the following Foundational Competencies (Council on Education for Public Health):

  • Ability to communicate public health information, in both oral and written forms, through a variety of media and to diverse audiences, and
  • Ability to locate, use, evaluate, and synthesize public health information.
1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the core areas of public health education (i.e., epidemiology; biostatistics; environmental health; social and behavioral sciences)
2. Demonstrate essential knowledge of the core functions of public health: assessment, policy development and assurance
3. Demonstrate an understanding of the ecological model of health behavior and the logic model of public health practice
4. Apply evidence-based principles to public health practice
5. Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of research design and analysis
6. Describe the scientific foundation for understanding health and disease, as well as chronic, infectious and emerging diseases
7. Demonstrate essential knowledge of population health and vulnerable population groups
8. Explain the impact of health behaviors, ethics, diversity and culture
9. Identify emerging topics in public health, including nutrition, disaster preparedness, and infectious diseases
B.S.P.H. students will participate in community based public health projects to further develop skills in program development, research, and program evaluation.

The Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine places a strong emphasis on experiential learning and practice-based education. The experiential learning approach “learning by doing” is a vital aspect of these courses. The public health local, domestic and global outreach courses are practice-based field experiences that expose students to public health issues both domestically and globally. All outreach trips involve participating with underserved populations in a public health capacity. Trips have included India, New Orleans, Mississippi and Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico Outreach Trip

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