The Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (NSU-KPCOM) Psychiatry Residency Program, coordinated with the Bay Pines VA Healthcare System (Bay Pines VAHS), is an exciting program dedicated to excellence in training, patient care, and scholarly work. The program provides diverse clinical training combined with outstanding didactics and active learning methodologies covering the entire spectrum of Psychiatry, from neuroscience and psychopharmacology to the art and practice of psychotherapy.

Our aim is that each graduating resident will have the knowledge, clinical skills, and necessary expertise to practice Psychiatry in the 21st century. A Florida Physician Workforce Analysis prepared in October 2014 projected that the greatest physician shortage in Florida by 2025, would be in Psychiatry with a 55% deficit in numbers, or a shortage of about 2000 psychiatrists statewide. The faculty, staff, and residents in NSU-KPCOM Residency have the opportunity to make a major impact on mental health care in west-central Florida by providing more services and more practitioners in the coming years.

During the four years of training, residents will participate in evidence-based, patient-centered care of patients with psychiatric disorders in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Residents will assess and treat patients with a wide range of disorders and will gain a full understanding of what psychiatric treatment can offer their patients in terms of emotional health/quality of life.

Learning activities will include supervised clinical experience; residency-specific didactics; and self-directed learning including use of self-learning modules. The specific types of patients and clinical conditions are detailed here.

There will be ongoing assessment of resident performance and feedback, including tracking progress on the ACGME psychiatry milestones. Each resident is expected to formulate both short and long-term goals and to have a continuous focus on her/his professional development, commitment to lifelong learning, and patient care performance improvement indicators.

Laura Sunn, M.D.
Program Director