Faculty and Staff

Ronald Chenail, Ph.D.

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Provost/Executive Vice President - Academic Affairs


Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs



Ron Chenail, Ph.D., is the Provost of NSU and a faculty member in the Department of Family Therapy in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS). Twenty years ago he created the world's first online, open-access, English language, qualitative research journal, The Qualitative Report, and later launched its sister publication, The Weekly Qualitative Report. His web-based resources regularly rank in Google's top ten qualitative research sites. Dr. Chenail is also editor of the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, the flagship journal of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, and Associate Editor of the Family Business Review. In addition he serves on the editorial boards of Qualitative Research in Psychology; Qualitative Social Work, International Journal of Collaborative Practices; Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education; Counseling, Psychotherapy, and Health; and Sistemas Familiares; as well as a founding editorial board member of Qualitative Inquiry.

Dr. Chenail is a Member Scholar with the University of Alberta's International Institute for Qualitative Methodology, an Associate with the Taos Institute, and a Member of the Institute for Creative Transformation. He has had over 60 journal articles and book chapters published and over 100 conference presentations given. His books include Medical Discourse and Systemic Frames of Comprehension, Practicing Therapy: Exercises for Growing Therapists (with Anne Rambo and Anthony Heath), and The Talk of the Clinic: Explorations in the Analysis of Medical and Therapeutic Discourse (with Bud Morris), and Qualitative Research Proposals and Reports: A Guide (with Patricia Munhall).

Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University
M.Ed., University of Houston
B.A., St. Bonaventure University